
Hansa Global Equity Fund

Hansa Global Equity Fund

  1. Open-ended collective investment scheme incorporated in Guernsey as a protected cell company with the Fund being one of two current cells.
  2. The investment objective is to maximise the long term total return on assets whilst maintaining preservation of capital. The Fund primarily invests in global equities either through specialist funds or direct investment.
  3. Monthly dealing frequency with a minimum subscription of $100,000 and one month redemption notice period.
  4. Benchmark is a 60:40 composite of “US CPI Urban Consumers NSA” and “Eurozone CPI” +2% p.a.
  5. Fees: Annual Management charge of 1% with a potential Performance Fee of 10% assuming certain limits exceeded.

Investment Adviser

Alec Letchfield

Alec Letchfield

Key Documents

Latest Accounts and Factsheet

December 2024 Factsheet

November 2024 Factsheet

October 2024 Factsheet

Interim Report 2024

Annual Report 2023


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